Tag: leosims

Cheats for sims 4

As you know while playing we need to fulfill our sim’s needs such as hunger, sleep , toilet, earning money etc… Of course it is more fun playing on real time and without cheats, building our sims lifes step by step. However you may want some extra money from short way or disable your sim’s needs not to lose time with feeding or sending them to toilet. So, we have some cheats for those who prefer to play with them. Lets see what we can do with these cheats.

While some of the cheats work in build mode, you have to be in live mode for most of them.First we need to enter ”Ctrl + Shift + C” to open cheat panel in the top left corner of the game screen and write ”testingcheats true” to activate cheat mode.

kaching – will give you $1000
motherlode – will give you $50.000
death.toggle.false – this cheat is for disabling your sims’s death by any type
freerealestate on – all houses will be free with this cheat
sims.remove_all_buffs – all negative moodlets will be deleted while positive ones stay
household.autopay_bills true – your house bills will be paid automatically on time ( money will be taken from your account)
bb.moveobjects – The best way for this is using OMSP’ s for my opinion. But if you prefer to play without mods, you can use this cheat. Because of the grids in the game , we cant always put objects very close to each other. With this cheat ( which is my favourite , becuase i only use game to decorate ) you can put any object to where you want. You can also move them up and down with 0 – 9 . But as i told, OMSP’s are the best option because this cheat has also some limitations.
headlineeffects on/off – You can enable or disable headline effects with this cheat. Will be very useful while taking screenshots.
bb.showhiddenobjects – it may take lots of time and effort to find all of the hidden objects in game. With this cheat , all of them will be available and buyable.
bb.enablefreebuild – you can build even on locked lots with this cheat
bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement – some of the game items are locked. To unlock them you need to have career achievements according to the object. Or you can use this cheat to unlock them all easily.
sims.give_satisfaction_points – Write the amount of satisfaction point you want after this cheat by leaving one space. For example sims.give_satisfaction_points 1000. You can buy rewards with this points.
by shift + clicking on your sim – you will see a menu appears with some options. From these options you can make your sim happy or disable/enable its needs.
by shift + clicking on the ground – you will be able to teleport your sim anywhere you want inside your neighbourhood.
by shift + clicking on any object – you will be able to make any object clean or dirty and reset an item.

These are some of the main cheats i wanted to share with you in this acticle. There are so many more such as about relationships, careers etc. And new ones continuing to come. There will be articles about other cheats soon. I hope you find this article useful.

Sims 4 city living

Sims 4 City Living- Apartment Life is coming soon. Expected date for both PC and Mac is 1 st of November 2016. With this expansion pack we will get many new features and new style of game play. In sims 3 we didnt have apartment life, we had ”late night” expansion pack a little similar to it but this will be more different.

The most important change will be living in a community. Neighbours will take a big place in our game. We will live with other people and they will affect our lifes of course. If you play loud music in the late night, your neighbours can be disturbed and come to your door for example. Sim guru Sarah gave some tips about the new expansion pack coming and answered community questions in twitter. Here are some tips i collected from the answers about the new pack we wait.

All the neighbours will be interesting characters, some of them are inspired from tv shows , sitcoms. Diversity of neighbours will make sims lives richer.You will meet them in common areas, entrances and elevators.

Apartments will only be available in the new sims world SAN MYSHUNO, which is also coming with the city living expansion pack. You cant build apartments in other worlds.

Depending to the apartment , you can have 4 families at the same time.

There will be 1 – 4 apartments in one building. Like before , also in City Living maxium 8 sims can live in one apartment.

No building apartments from scratch. You can design apartment interiors as you wish. But you wont be able to build the whole apartment complex ,cant change the exterior walls which is a little disappointing for me as a player who only plays the game for building and designing.

Spaces will be limited. You wont be able to build another room if your house is not big as you want.

You will be able to visit the neighbours in your apartment.

2 new traits and aspiration coming with the pack. Unflirty and vegetarian traits will be available. The new aspiration will be ”city native”. It will focus on meeting new people and exploring the city.

There will be two bed low end apartments.

You can have some problems while living in an apartment with pipes, electrical wires or pests, rats or cockroaches…

Lot Traits will be available for all other lots.

You will experience ”earthquakes”. And it will be a lot trait, that means it will also be available for other lots. Worlds will shake, your sims will react and according to the level of the earthquake moodlets can be changed.

There will be loading screens when transiting between apartments like when you visit your neighbours.

You can have room mates and other households that you can share the building and pay the rent together with.

You can give and take back the key of your apartment to other sims.

You can use styled rooms in apartments.

You can turn penthouses into venuses.

You will pay rent and there will be landlords, who can be flirted or be friends with, which might get your apartment problems solved easier 🙂

There will be elevators and they will be used with no loading screen. You can meet your neighbours in elevators.

There will be festivals you can join, in the new world of City Living. There will be up to 5 different festivals which you can also watch from your windows.

Not all but some apartments will have balconies.

You wont have bills like we have in residental life, Rent will include them and pay all the bills.

Each apartment can have different traits.

These are the some tips about the new game play according to the answers of sim guru sarah and really enough to excite me 🙂

Lastly it will require base game and all the latest updates and patches.

Kids stuff pack

After a long wait for a new pack EA published  Kids Stuff Pack at the 28 th of June. As you can understand from the name, this pack was about adding new stuff, objects, clothes, gameplay etc.. for the kids and costs $9.99 . You need only sims 4 base game to use the pack. You will get;

40 new Build/ Buy stuff
40 new CAS Stuff
3 new styled rooms with the new pack.

As a custom content creator and a player who prefers to play with mods and custom content objects, i am not really interested in new furnitures, clothes or hairs  they bring into game as i can download them whenever i want.But to inform you about what you will get with the pack there are some kids bedroom furnitures, wall stickers, stencils, posters , some new hairs and playful clothes which can be used both for male and female kids.

And as most important issue to me, we have some new gameplay options. I am one of the biggest complainers about the lack of toddlers and unfortunately we still dont have them. It is a really big deficiency that babies transit into kid stage , skipping the toddler stage.We still miss too much game play because of the lack of them and I really hope EA announces coming of toddlers soon. I know really too many people complain about this issue in sims community.Despite this subject, this stuff pack helps us to spend more time with kids in game. As i like playing with families, i needed these features.

One of the new feautures (and for me the best feauture ) of this pack is the Puppet Theater, comes with the puppet stage. Kids can play in this stage box or perform shows for other sims to watch. At first they can perform 2 different shows only but as their skills developed, number of shows will be increassed. It is really cute watcing kids changing their voices according to the characters they perform, and also really loved the little speech bubbles occuring when they are talking the puppets. Kids will have fun and develop their social skills with these shows they perform with other kids. Parents and older sims can watch performances with reactions according to the subject of shows, but they can use this feature.

A new tv channel for kids is also a new addition to the game and a radio station which is called as ”Tween”  which has only 4 new simlish songs in it.

Another new great feature is voidcritters. Kids find, collect these magical monster cards and can trade with each other. There are total 20 monsters to find. You can purchase these cards from computer or search for them by digging trash bins. Kids can play battle games with these monster cards and improve their relationships.  Teens and older sims can only watch these battles but cant play themselves.

Not for the new stuff but for the new game play improvements , i  dont regret buying this pack. Loved the new features and cute activities it brought into game. But have to say again and again, EA  we are still waiting for the toddlers! …


Many people asking about polycounts after i started to mention each object’s poly. I will try to explain what is polycount and what is the importance of it for us.

Each object’s surfaces are made of triangles. We call these triangles, polygons. And number of  these polygons determines the polycount of the object. Everything in your game are made of polygons, objects, hairs, clothes, accessories and even houses. While a simple object has less polygons, complicated objects have more polygons. While a painting have 4-5 poly, a clutter object may have 1000 or more poly. But why this is important ?

There are always conflicts between some creators and users about polygons.Each computer’s performance, graphics and handling is different. So, while some people can use many high poly objects in their game without any problem, some people with low performance computers, may have problem with them such as slowing down their games. For myself, my computer has a good graphic card as it has to be, since i work with 3 d objects mostly. I can use  +20.000 poly objects without any problem.  I even know people who create and use +30.000 polygons. But also some other people thinks even 3000-4000 is high.

Here are some problems you can face because of using high polycount objects in your game. And if you have any problems like these, you might need to check polycounts of items you use for your game.

  • Slowed Down Game
  • Game Freeze
  • System Freeze
  • Slowing Down while zooming and scrolling
  • Graphic Problems

It is also important that how many you have and how much you use high poly items.  If you face any problems, it is better that you use them sparingly. Dont use 20 high poly items at the same time in a lot for example. If it is not mentioned the polycounts of objects, you can check them by yourself. Open the object with sims 4 studio program and go to meshes tab as you see in the screenshot below. You can see the polycount of every item there.polycounts

It is really hard to say what might be considered as ”high poly” or what is acceptable, as we mentioned it really depends on many factors about your computers. But there is one more thing you have to know. Polygons are calculated per tile. You will understand better with an example. For example lets say we have a sofa with 6000 polycount.You may say it is a bit high at first sight. But sofas has 3 tiles, that means they cover 3 grids in game, while a clutter object mostly covers only 1 tile. So 6000/3 = 2000 polygons for 1 tile is still agreeable for all for a sofa. But a decorative object which has 1 tile and has 6000 polygons can be told high poly for some people.

So you need to know specialities of your computer and watch your game to know what you can handle and what not.  If you really like some items but uncomfortable with their polycounts, there are some programs to lower the polygons. Of course when you lower them too much their shape will start to change. I will soon write a tutorial about the easiest way of reducing polygons of objects.

Ghost guide

Ghost are back for sims 4. With the first constent pack of sims 4, we can have ghosts in our games for free.

When a sims die, they visit their house at 00.00 , once every 3 nights. And they go back to their graves with the sun. If you want to call a ghost by yourself, you need to go near the grave and select ”moune” command. With a chance it may appear or not.

At sims 3 ghosts had color options according to the way of their death. But in sims 4 their colors change according to their mood. When they first come out from grave as a ghost, they come with the mood and mood  color when they die.

If you build good relationships with the ghost, you can convince her/him to move in with you. If they move in, you can control the ghost  like your sims.

What Ghosts Do?

  • They move furnitures. You can see that option when you click on an object. Ghost will go inside the object and move it. But after that the object will be broken and need repair. They can also repair object with the command ”ghostly repair”, faster than normal sims. If there is a sim in the room, they can get angry when ghosts break things.
  • They scare other sims.You can find this command from ”mischief”.If the ghost had bad relationships with a sim before die, they will tend to scare them.
  • They can pass through other sims. This command is also under ”mischief. Sims can react good or bad to this action , according to their mood and relationship with the ghost.
  • You can talk about death with ghosts. This action can be found under ”friendly” menu. You can also chat and ask about being dead, with the same menu.
  • They eat and drink like normal sims. But when they drink something, they leave liquid behind them.
  • They build relationships with others, get effected with happenings and build skills.
  • Their actions are effected by the way they die. For example, if they died by a fire, they can be tended to play with fire. If they died of hunger, they will tend to get hungry more often and their mood will decrease faster.
  • If a married sim dies, it wont come as married. You need to propose again.

Lastly you have a chance to bring a ghost back to life with ambrosia flower. You need to have  10 level of cooking skill, 10 level of gourmet cooking skill and 7 level of gardening skill for using ambrosia.

Dine out

Finally EA has announced the new game pack. Sims 4- Dine out is coming soon. We were able to visit restaurants before. But with this pack we will also be able to own, customize and operate our own restaurants.

The game pack will come out with 2 stuff packs. Movie Hangout stuff and Romantic Garden stuff packs will be included. Expected release date is 7 th of June 2016.

The trailer showed that we will also have new furniture with the new pack. You can  build and design unique restaurants ,hire and choose clothes for the stuff , set menus and prices. You will be able to find and select menus like diner, italian, brunch, experimental …You will have desserts, appetizer, main course and drinks options for the menus. Cooking skills will play an important role at least for your chefs.Chatting with your customers will effect customer satisfaction.

You can bring your sims to various restaurants for your perfect dates, socializing with friends or for the birthday parties…

It is not clear now if we can use uniforms for our staff or not.
You can own and franchaise multiple restaurants at once.
Sims can also eat in outdoor dining areas.
A host will meet customers and bring them to tables
If food is bad sims will react.
Sims will order and pay manually.
You will be able to take pictures of the food and save to the inventory.
Children can do coloring before eat, at the table.
There is a couple of new hairs for woman, man and children.
An outdoor heat lamp , some new chandeliers, some decorations, windows and wallpapers are announced with the trailer.
Sims can heat their hands with the outdoor heat lamp.
You wont need ‘Get To Work’ pack for this pack.

Finally the price is expected to be $19,99 as same price with the previous game packs Spa Day and Outdoor Retreat.

Here you can watch out the lastest news at sims original page .

Romantic garden stuff

EA announced the new pack coming soon. It will be available on 9 February 2016 including new decorative objects,clothes and hair styles. It will be perfect to have our bothanical gardens and also building our backyards. And the timing is also perfect to come out just before the Valentines Day. So excited for this pack as i also love to work with garden at real life.

It will only require Sims 4 Base game to work.

You will have various flowers and marble furnitures to build Victorian style gardens.

Fountain of Gluteus Maximus will make it available that your sims can sit on it’s edges,toss coin .cuddle and flick water to each other. If your sims feel playful they can also add soap to the fountain and watch the bubbles 🙂 Kids can climb and play with water inside the fountain.

Another feature ‘The Whsispering Wishing Well ‘ will be included with the pack which will cost a single simoleon to wish happiness, love, success , child and more..There will be 50 different outcomes for the wishes and they wont be able to make another wish for the next 8 hours. Sims can offer different amounts of simoleons for the wishes.You need to be careful what and when you wish for. It will alter your sims fates forever and they might not always get what they wished for . You can end up with a bad romantic relationship or lose money instead of winning the lottery for example. Ghostly sims can be given endless life by the wishing well.

The Lost Gardens of Healing and New Park Venue will be coming with the new pack.You can access these lots from the worlds. It will create a beautiful atmosphere for your romantic stories. With the floral fashion and hairstyles you will be able to make your sims look perfect for that stories. They will want to be in their best look when visiting these locations.

As your sims hanging around the parks. they will be listening the new Baroque radio station which includes melodies from the 1600s.

Moss covered statues and ivy wrapped arches will be coming with the pack to help you build fashioned gardens.

The Pack will  include a variety of new plants, stone furnituress and a few other decorative items.
Man will get a hair style and couple of outfits.Woman will get more outfits than man and children will share an outfit and hair style.

There will be 5 new designed rooms.

Only if you have ”Get Together ” expansion, a new activity will come up with this pack.”Play in Park Fountains ” activity can be choosen when you create a club.

And it is not sure yet but if compared to other stuff packs it will be around $9,99..

Get to work

Finally the first expansion pack is coming for the sims 4. The release date will be 31 March 2015 as it is announced by EA. It is one of the most popular and favourite expansive packs in the whole sims history. For me it is the best of ever as it will change the whole game play with adding new lots, objects and interactions. I am sure that it will be fun.

It will include 3 active careers; detective, doctor and scientist. But these are not all. You can also create your own business retail and manage. New coming objects will help decorating business lots.

You will actively be in control of your sims while they are working. Play a big role in work performances, getting promotions, relationships with other staff etc..

You can be a doctor, save lives, treat patients, do surgeries and even can deliver babies.You will be able to tell the gender of babies as you gain more experience in work. Doctor sims can diagnose illnesses, use x-rays, measure temperatures, do body scannings and discuss health of patients with other doctor sims.

You can be a detective, investigate crime scenes, analyze evidences, question and take finger prints from suspect sims and arrest criminals. You can choose to play good or the bad cop. Detective sims will work with the new police station which is also coming with the new pack, travel to crime scenes to gather and take pictures of evidences

You can be a scientist, collect specimens and build inventions. Also scientist sims will be able to travel to a new  alien world which is named as ‘Sixam’. Sims can interact with new species on that world, build friendships with aliens there and can even add them to the household. Also new collectibles can be found at Sixam which  includes three new type of plants, 2 metals, 2 crystals and a new element..
Scientist sims will also have the ability of transforming objects and controlling other sims minds. Travel around the worlds, collect metals and fossils are the other actions that your scientist sims can perform during the game play.

You can create and customize any kind of business from bakery to art gallery, bookstores or boutiques etc…

Hospital, Police Office and Science labratories are coming with new objects which will help your sims success among their careers.

In your own shops, you will be able to sell everything from clothes to books, coffee or computers etc… You can hire up to 3 staff with various skills. You can also manage your stuff uniforms, promote and fire them.

Your sims can create new objects with developing new skills.

Satellite Dish coming which prevents aliens to abduct your sims.

Vending machines are coming, letting your sims to buy food while interacting with other sims.

Magnolia Promenade is a new neighbourhood is coming with 4 lots to build your business.

And alien mystery. Some of the aliens looks like normal sims and live inside us. You will try to find out the sims which are not from this world. Male sims can get pregnant with alien abduction and have babies. After having the baby you can choose it to stay with you or send it to its homeworld.

A new skill of photography. You can picture everything in game and sell your photographs to get an additional income.

These are all the information i could find out about the new expansion pack for now.

Price is expected to be $39.99. It is same as the expansion pack for sims 3.