In sims 4 , skills are important parts of the game. They help you with careers, sims performances, preventing some types of deaths and faciliating daily lifes. In this article, you will find information about skills in sims 4 , how to improve them and their benefits. Lets start;
To start with all skills has total 10 levels.
To improve;
- Read books ; diplimacy for dummies, the art of diplomacy, the science of diplomacy
- Practice speech on mirror
- Have social interactions
- Improves social relationships faster and easier
- Get promotion easier
- Improves Sense of humor
To improve;
- Read books ; Get the jokes, grab the mic and show them the pain
- Tell jokes to other sims
- Watcha comedy show on tv
- Watch funny videos on computer
- Succes at funny – related inteactions
- Can write comedy books
To improve;
- Cook meals
- Read books ; lets cook, lets keep cooking and i am here to cook
- Watch cooking shows on tv
- New recipes will be unlocked
- Gives happy moodlets to other sims with good quality of food
- Prevents cooking accidents
To improve;
- Read Books ; getting hooked, tackles and tecqniques and see the fish, be the fish
- Practice fishing
- Talk about fish with other sims
- Catch rare fishes
To improve
- Read books ; put down the milkshake, be world’s strongest and pressing steel
- Exercise
- Exercise – related chat with other sims
- Research about new exercise techniques on the computer
- Lose weight
- Gain muscle
- Stay in shape
- Fills fun need
- Helps promotions in some careers
To improve;
- Read books ; water, light and dry, the classical sauce and strange and forbidden plant genetics
- Order seeds from computers
- Gardening
- Harvestplants
- Sell plants at a higher price
- Chat about garden related things with other sims
- Take cuttings
- Grafting
- Learn splicing
Gourmet Cooking
When you reach the 5 th level of cooking skill, gourmet cooking skill will be unblocked
To improve;
- Read books; make food fancy , presentation is king and can you eat that?
- Cook when on inspired moodlet
- Your sims cook better meals
- You can unlock new recipes
- Fulfill hunger need better
- You will unlock fancy spices trick move and food slice trick move animations
Guitar Skill
To improve;
- Read books ; intro to rocking, the classical sauce and furious finger tecniques
- Practice guitar
- Your sims can make money from playing guitar
- Gives happy moodlets to listener sims
- Increases fun need
- Making extra money by licensing songs
To improve;
- Read books ; try not to die, sparks are nature’s kisses and upgrading the soul
- Repairing broken electronics
- Work on woodworking table
- Upgrading house electronics, sinks, toilets, hot tubs , etc…
- Repairing broken devices faster
- Make things unbreakable
To improve;
- Read books; an introduction to reason, the reason to reason and the problem with paradoxes
- Being on focused moodlet
- Play chess
- Browse simipedia on the computer
- Play better chess
- Better use of telescope
- Better use of microscope
- Learning skill improves faster
- Win more games against other sims
To improve;
- Read books ; what’s funny what’s illegal? , what’s illegal what’s frowned upon? and the long con
- Mischief interactions
- Using the voodoo doll
- Unlocks new mischievous interactions
- Good for criminal and secret agent careers
To improve;
- Read books ; beverage basics, a twist of lime and the mixologist’s bible
- Practice making drinks
- You can unlock new drink recipes
- Making better drinks
- Earn money for mixologist career
To improve;
- Read books ; the fundamentals of painting, the history of painting and the painting of painting
- Practice painting
- You can make money from painting career
- You can paint pictures faster
- Can effect emotions with your sim’s paintings
To improve;
- Read Books ; It’s pretty black and white, sharps flats and naturals , and concertos minutes and sonatas
- Practicing Piano on inspired moodlet
- You can make money with playing piano
- Serenade interaction
- Licensing songs
- Mentoring other sims about piano
To improve;
- Read books ; turn it off and on again, maintaining healthy semicolons and learn to talk robot
- Interactions on computer
- You can make money by programming
- Writing plugins
- Hacking
- Freelance work
Rocket Science
To improve;
- Read books; so you want to be a rocket scientist? ,the nuts and bolts of constructing your spacecraft, counting down to launch
- Build or upgrade a rocketship
- Career at rocket science
- Work and travel with rocket ships
- Improved permormance on space missions
Video Gaming
To improve;
- Read books ; trolling for noobs, the oficial guide to gaming and the game of life
- Play games on computer
- Motion gaming mat
- Increases fun need by playing games
- You can make money by game tournaments
- Helpful for tech guru career
To improve;
- Read books ; basic violinin’ , classic tecniques and horsehair high jinks
- Practice violin on inspired moodlet
- Make extra money by playing violin
- Give positive moodlets to listeners
To improve;
- Read books; lets get weird, the importance of punctuation and the conjugation conundrum
- Practice writing on inspired moodlet
- Get extra money from books
- Helpful in writer career
I hope this guide will be helpful to those who wants to get more information about sims 4 skills and sorry for all the english mistakes