Sims 4 Detective Career

Detective career comes with the expansion pack Get To Work and last active career that you can follow your sim to work and guide while working. It has many new interactions under the good cop and bad cop preferences. Below you will see all the levels of detective career in sims 4 and its details.

Level 1 – Cadet

Working days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. You can win $ 20 per hour and $ 180 total in a day. Ideal mood is focused. Participating actively  in the work day of the detective is the daily task. No bonuses for this level.

Level 2 – Officer

Working days are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday . You can win $ 28 per hour and $ 224 total in a day. Ideal mood is focused. Going to a crime scene and going on patrol are the daily tasks and will be helpful for promotions. You will get a $ 160 bonus and new cas parts if you get a promotion on this level.

Level 3 – Corporal

Working days are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday . You can win $ 38 per hour and $ 342 total in a day. Ideal mood is focused. Interrogating a suspect is the daily tasks and will be helpful for promotions. You will get a $224 bonus and 13 New Build/Buy Objects if you get a promotion on this level.

Level 4 – Detective

Working days are Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday . You can win $ 52 per hour and $ 468 total in a day. Ideal mood is focused. Solving one case  is the daily tasks and will be helpful for promotions. You will get a $304 bonus and 5 New Build/Buy Objects if you get a promotion on this level.

Level 5 – Senior Detective

Working days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and  Saturday . You can win $ 78 per hour and $ 702 total in a day. Ideal mood is focused. Solving two cases  is the daily tasks and will be helpful for promotions. You will get a $ 416 bonus, 2 New Build/Buy Objects and New CAS Parts if you get a promotion on this level.

Level 6 – Sergeant

Working days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and  Saturday . You can win $ 92 per hour and $ 828 total in a day. Ideal mood is focused. Solving three cases  is the daily tasks and will be helpful for promotions. You will get a $ 624 bonus and 6 New Build/Buy Objects if you get a promotion on this level.

Level 7 – Lieutenant

Working days are Monday ,Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday . You can win $ 123 per hour and $ 1107 total in a day. Ideal mood is focused. Solving four cases  is the daily tasks and will be helpful for promotions. You will get a $ 736 bonus and 6 New Build/Buy Objects if you get a promotion on this level.

Level 8 – Captain

Working days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and  Saturday . You can win $ 150 per hour and $ 1200 total in a day. Ideal mood is focused. Solving five cases  is the daily tasks and will be helpful for promotions. You will get a $ 984 bonus and 10 New Build/Buy Objects if you get a promotion on this level.

Level 9 – Colonel

Working days are Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and  Saturday . You can win $ 205 per hour and $ 1640 total in a day. Ideal mood is focused. Solving six cases  is the daily tasks and will be helpful for promotions. You will get a $ 1200 bonus and 10 New Build/Buy Objects if you get a promotion on this level.

Level 10 – Chief

Working days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. You can win $ 265 per hour and $ 2120 total in a day. Ideal mood is focused. You will get a $ 1640 bonus, 3 New Build/Buy Objects, New CAS Parts and a new styled room will be unlocked if you get a promotion on this level.

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