Sims 4 Criminal Career

May not be a well paid career but you will get good amount of bonuses at promotions.

Ideal Moods ; Playful and Focused

Level 1 – Tough Guy/Gal

You will be paid $ 9 per hour and $ 63 total per day. Monday, Thuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday and Sunday are the working days. Playful is the ideal mood for this level. Performing Mischief Interactions will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks.

Level 2 – Petty Thief

You will be paid $ 13 per hour and $ 91 total per day. Monday, Thuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday and Sunday are the working days. Playful is the ideal mood for this level. Performing Mischief Interactions and reaching to level 2 at mischief skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 465 bonus and Emblems of Espionage.

Level 3 – Ring Leader

You will be paid $ 17 per hour and $ 136 total per day. Thuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday and Sunday are the working days. Playful is the ideal mood for this level. Performing Mischief Interactions and reaching to level 3 at mischief skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 558 bonus and Duffle o’ Cash, Pick Pocket.

Level 4 – Felonius Monk

You will be paid $ 23 per hour and $ 161 total per day. Thuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday and Sunday are the working days. Playful is the ideal mood for this level. Performing Mischief Interactions and reaching to level 5 at mischief skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 670 bonus and Vintage Baseball Bat Sculpture.

Level 5 – Minor Crimelord

You will be paid $ 32 per hour and $ 192 total per day. Thuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,Saturday and Sunday are the working days. Playful is the ideal mood for this level. Performing Mischief Interactions and reaching to level 6 at mischief skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 804 bonus and Fedora CAS Parts.


Level 6 – The Muscle

You will be paid $ 106 per hour and $ 636 total per day. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday  are the working days. Focused is the ideal mood for this level. Performing Mean Interactions and reaching to level 7 at mischief skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 1148 bonus and Stolen ATM.

Level 7 – Getaway driver

You will be paid $ 273 per hour and $ 1911 total per day. Wednesday and Saturday  are the working days. Focused is the ideal mood for this level. Performing Mean Interactions , reaching to level 8 at mischief skill and level 2 at handiness skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 2201 bonus and Bars of Gold.

Level 8 – Safe Cracker

You will be paid $ 219 per hour and $ 2233 total per day. Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday are the working days. Focused is the ideal mood for this level. Upgrading objects and devices , reaching to level 9 at mischief skill and level 4 at handiness skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 4211 bonus and Stolen Necklace of the Late Duchess Pinky.

Level 9 – The brains

You will be paid $ 383 per hour and $ 2681 total per day. Monday, Thursday and Sunday are the working days. Focused is the ideal mood for this level. Upgrading objects and devices , reaching to level 10 at mischief skill and level 6 at handiness skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 6699 bonus and Search For Bank Blueprints interaction.

Level 10 – The Boss

You will be paid $ 445 per hour and $ 3115 total per day. Monday,Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday are the working days. Focused is the ideal mood for this level.When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 8039 bonus,Fisticuffs Punching Bag and Boss Outfit CAS Parts.


Level 6 – Digithief

You will be paid $ 43 per hour and $ 344 total per day. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday are the working days. Focused is the ideal mood for this level. Hacking or Making viruses , reaching to level 7 at mischief skill and level 2 at Programming skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 1148 bonus and Spy Satellite.

Level 7 – Elite Hacker

You will be paid $ 73 per hour and $ 584 total per day. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday are the working days. Focused is the ideal mood for this level. Hacking or Making viruses , reaching to level 8 at mischief skill and level 4 at Programming skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 1148 bonus, Hot & Cold Tech Spec Poster and Hack The Mainframe.

Level 8 – Anonymous Ghost

You will be paid $ 130 per hour and $ 1170 total per day. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday are the working days. Focused is the ideal mood for this level. Hacking or Making viruses , reaching to level 9 at mischief skill and level 6 at Programming skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 2929 bonusand The Indispensable.

Level 9 – Net Demon

You will be paid $ 234 per hour and $ 1,638 total per day. Monday, Tuesday,  Thursday and Sunday are the working days. Focused is the ideal mood for this level. Hacking or Making viruses , reaching to level 10 at mischief skill and level 8 at Programming skill will help you for getting promotion and for daily tasks. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 4,686 bonus.

Level 10 – The Oracle

You will be paid $ 316 per hour and $ 2212 total per day. Monday, Tuesday,  Thursday and Sunday are the working days. Focused is the ideal mood for this level. When you get promotion, you will be rewarded with $ 6560 bonus, Mayhem Portable Computer and  Oracle Robes CAS Parts.

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